Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sample ABAP Program to Colour cells in ALV

DATA: g_color_green TYPE slis_t_specialcol_alv.

* create a table of fieldnames to be coloured intensified green -

PERFORM colour_cells TABLES g_color_green
USING 21 31 5.

* set cells of this line to intensified green
out-color[] = g_color_green[].

* ALV Layout options *
* <-> E05_LS_LAYOUT *
FORM e05_layout_build USING e05_ls_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
* Setting this flag avoids having to define field sizes.
e05_ls_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.

* FIELD COLOR contains table of FIELDNAME and COLOURS.
e05_ls_layout-coltab_fieldname = 'COLOR'.

*& Form colour_cells
* Set up table to color field groups different from default colour
* <--> t_color table of fields and colours
* <-- p_index_from - first field of catalogue to be coloured
* <-- p_index_to - last field of catalogue to be coloured
* <-- p_color - color number
FORM colour_cells TABLES t_color
USING p_index_from TYPE sy-index
p_index_to TYPE sy-index
p_color TYPE i.

DATA: ls_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
w_tab TYPE slis_specialcol_alv.

* use field catalogue to build new table for consecutive fields
LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat FROM p_index_from TO p_index_to.
w_tab-fieldname = ls_fieldcat-fieldname.
w_tab-color-col = p_color.
IF p_color = 5. "green
w_tab-color-int = 1. "intensified on
w_tab-color-int = 0. "intensified off
APPEND w_tab TO t_color.

ENDFORM. " colour_cells

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